Support Projectors PowerLite Series Epson PowerLite L610

Can I project images from multiple devices at the same time?

  • Yes, you can simultaneously project up to four images in separate projected panels when you use the Epson iProjection (Windows/Mac) software. You can download this software from the Downloads tab on your product's support page.

    Note: You can also use the Epson iProjection app for iOS or Android to project from multiple mobile devices at once.

    The software must be installed on every computer from which you will project, and you must connect each computer to the projector via a network connection. See Connecting to the Projector and Projecting Images.

    When you are ready to project from multiple devices, see Changing the Number of Projected Panels for instructions.

    Note: You can also use the projector's split screen feature to project two images simultaneously without using other software. See your projector's online User's Guide for more information.

    Related tasks
    Projecting Two Images Simultaneously
    Related information
    Using the Projector on a Network
Published:  26-Jul-2018 Was this helpful? Thank you for the feedback!
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